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AH (Sufficiency of Protection, Sunni Extremists) Pakistan CG [2002] UKIAT 05862 (31 December 2002)
(Highlight Search Terms)
([2002] UKIAT 05862, [2002] UKIAT 5862;
From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 21 KB)
AJ (Risk, Christian Convert) Pakistan CG [2003] UKIAT 00040 (15 August 2003)
(Highlight Search Terms)
([2003] UKIAT 00040, [2003] UKIAT 40;
From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 19 KB)
AK & SK (Christians: risk) Pakistan (CG) [2014] UKUT 569 (IAC) (15 December 2014)
(Highlight Search Terms)
([2014] UKUT 569 (IAC);
From Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber); 716 KB)
FS (domestic violence, SN and HM, OGN) Pakistan CG [2006] UKAIT 00023 (13 March 2006)
(Highlight Search Terms)
([2006] UKAIT 00023, [2006] UKAIT 23, [2006] UKIAT 00023;
From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 66 KB)
HI (Limited Visa Facilities, Insurmountable Obstacle?) Pakistan CG [2004] UKIAT 00092 (29 April 2004)
(Highlight Search Terms)
([2004] UKIAT 00092, [2004] UKIAT 92;
From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 9 KB)
IA and Others (Ahmadis: Rabwah) Pakistan CG [2007] UKAIT 00088 (23 October 2007)
(Highlight Search Terms)
([2007] UKAIT 00088, [2007] UKAIT 88;
From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 45 KB)
KA and Others (domestic violence risk on return) Pakistan CG [2010] UKUT 216 (IAC) (14 July 2010)
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([2010] UKUT 00216 (IAC), [2010] UKUT 216 (IAC);
From Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber); 499 KB)
MI (Fair Trial, Pre Trial Conditions) Pakistan CG [2002] UKIAT 02239 (28 June 2002)
(Highlight Search Terms)
([2002] UKIAT 02239, [2002] UKIAT 2239;
From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 59 KB)
MJ and ZM (Ahmadis, risk) Pakistan CG [2008] UKAIT 00033 (04 April 2008)
(Highlight Search Terms)
([2008] UKAIT 00033, [2008] UKAIT 33;
From United Kingdom Asylum and Immigration Tribunal; 89 KB)
MN and others (Ahmadis - country conditions - risk) Pakistan CG [2012] UKUT 389 (IAC) (14 November 2012)
(Highlight Search Terms)
([2012] UKUT 00389 (IAC), [2012] UKUT 389 (IAC);
From Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber); 879 KB)
Total results: 14 |