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41.(1) An entry of a birth or death in a register shall not be evidence of the
birth or death unless the entry

(a)is signed by a person professing to be the informant and to be such a
person as might be required by law at the date of the entry to give to the
registrar information concerning the birth or death;

(b)is made in pursuance of Article 10(7) or Article 21(8) or any corresponding
statutory provision repealed by the Births and Deaths Registration Act
(Northern Ireland) 1967 or the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration
(Northern Ireland) Order 1973 or this Order relating to the registration of a
birth by declaration;

(c)relates to a re-registration and is made in pursuance of Article 18, 19 or
31, or any statutory provision repealed by the Births and Deaths Registration
Act (Northern Ireland) 1967 or this Order corresponding to Article 19;

(d)relates to a death or still-birth and is made upon a certificate issued by
a coroner following an inquest;

(e)is made in pursuance of the statutory provisions relating to the
registration of births and deaths at sea; or

(f)relates to a birth or death which has occurred outside the United Kingdom.

(2) Where more than three months but not more than twelve months have expired
between the date of a birth and the date on which the birth is registered, the
entry in a register under this Order or any statutory provision repealed by
the Births and Deaths Registration Act (Northern Ireland) 1967 or this Order
shall not be evidence of the birth unless the entry is made in pursuance of
Article 18 or 19 or contains a marginal note that a statutory declaration has
been made by a qualified informant, so however that nothing in this paragraph
shall apply where the date on which the birth of the child is registered falls
on or after 1st October 1973.

(3) Where more than twelve months have expired between the date of a birth or
death and the date on which the birth or death is registered, the entry of the
birth or death in a register under this Order or any statutory provision
repealed by the Births and Deaths Registration Act (Northern Ireland) 1967 or
this Order shall not be evidence of the birth or death unless the entry
purports to have been made with the authority of the Registrar General.

(4) A certified copy issued under Article 34 or 38 shall be deemed to be a
true copy of the entry in question notwithstanding that it is made on a form
different from that on which the original entry was made if any differences in
the column headings under which the particulars appear in the original entry
and the copy respectively are differences of form only and not of substance.

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