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The Pneumoconiosis, etc., (Workers´ Compensation) (Payment of Claims) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2007


23rd February 2007

Coming into operation

1st April 2007

To be laid before Parliament under paragraph 7(3) of the Schedule to the Northern Ireland Act 2000

The Department for Social Development makes the following Regulations in exercise of the powers conferred by Articles 3(3), 4(3) and 11(1) and (4) of the Pneumoconiosis, etc., (Workers´ Compensation) (Northern Ireland) Order 1979(1) and now vested in it(2).

Citation, commencement and application

1.–(1) These Regulations may be cited as the Pneumoconiosis, etc., (Workers´ Compensation) (Payment of Claims) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2007 and shall come into operation on 1st April 2007.

(2) These Regulations shall apply in relation to any case in which a person first satisfies the conditions of entitlement to a payment under the Pneumoconiosis, etc., (Workers´ Compensation) (Northern Ireland) Order 1979 on or after the date on which these Regulations come into operation.

Amendment of the Pneumoconiosis, etc., (Workers´ Compensation) (Payment of Claims) Regulations

2.–(1) The Pneumoconiosis, etc., (Workers´ Compensation) (Payment of Claims) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1988(3) are amended in accordance with paragraphs (2) to (4).

(2) In regulations 5(2) and 7 (minimum amounts payable to dependant) for "£2,309" substitute "£2,392".

(3) In regulation 6(1)(a) (payment where pneumoconiosis is accompanied by tuberculosis) for "£4,775", in both places where it occurs, substitute "£ 4,947".

(4) For the Schedule substitute the Schedule set out in the Schedule to these Regulations.

Sealed with the Official Seal of the Department for Social Development on 23rd February 2007


John O´Neill

A senior officer of the Department for Social Development

Regulation 2(4)


Regulations 3, 4 and 6



1. This table is for the determination of payments to disabled persons under regulation 3 (or, as the case may be, regulation 6) and for the determination of payments to dependants of deceased sufferers under regulation 4(1).

2. The relevant period is the period specified in regulation 3(2) or, in the case of a disabled person to whom regulation 6 applies, the first period specified in regulation 6(1)(b).

3. The age of the disabled person is his age determined in accordance with regulation 3(2) or, in the case of a disabled person to whom regulation 6 applies, regulation 6(1)(b). In determining the amount payable to a dependant of a disabled person under regulation 4(1), the age to be taken for the purpose of calculating the sum to be deducted from the amount which would have been payable to the disabled person had he still been alive is the age of the deceased at his last birthday preceding his death.

4. The table prescribes payments to disabled persons to whom disablement benefit is payable under section 108 of the Social Security Contributions and Benefits (Northern Ireland) Act 1992(4), or under any corresponding provision of the former Industrial Injuries Acts, or would be payable but for the disablement amounting to less than the appropriate percentage.

Age of Percentage assessment for the relevant period
disabled 10% 11% - 21% - 31% - 41% - 51% - 61% - 71% - 81% - 91% -
Person or less 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
£ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £
37 and under 27682 49435 58002 59651 61298 62616 63935 65252 66571 67890
38 26891 47455 56254 58268 59977 61298 62616 63935 65252 66571
39 26099 45477 54508 56881 58662 59977 61298 62616 63935 65252
40 25310 43499 52762 55496 57341 58662 59977 61298 62616 63935
41 24518 41524 51016 54110 56026 57341 58662 59977 61298 62616
42 23723 39548 49268 52732 54706 56026 57341 58662 59977 61298
43 22542 37239 47522 51674 53786 55367 56683 58002 59321 60640
44 21354 34932 45774 50621 52861 54706 56026 57341 58662 59977
45 20171 32626 44028 49565 51941 54046 55367 56683 58002 59321
46 18982 30320 42283 48512 51016 53389 54706 56026 57341 58662
47 17798 28012 40535 47455 50094 52732 54046 55367 56683 58002
48 16774 27089 39153 45348 48512 50880 52203 53520 54836 56158
49 15753 26168 37768 43238 46932 49037 50356 51674 52995 54314
50 14731 25244 36410 41129 45348 47191 48512 49829 51145 52464
51 13710 24321 34997 39019 43765 45348 46679 47981 49302 50621
52 12689 23399 33615 36910 42182 43499 44822 46138 47455 48772
53 11731 21753 31504 35065 40600 42182 43499 44822 46138 47455
54 10776 20105 29395 33223 39019 40867 42182 43499 44822 46138
55 9822 18456 27290 31373 37436 39548 40867 42182 43499 44822
56 8865 16807 25179 29528 35857 38227 39548 40867 42182 43499
57 7910 15158 23069 27682 34279 36911 38227 39548 40867 42182
58 7284 13776 20600 24846 30846 33286 34703 36089 37436 38756
59 6656 12390 18125 22015 27417 29659 31175 32626 34010 35326
60 6034 11006 15653 19179 23995 26035 27647 29167 30584 31903
61 5404 9623 13184 16345 20564 22410 24122 25706 27156 28474
62 4778 8239 10711 13511 17138 18785 20600 22246 23723 25046
63 4448 7447 9623 12080 15245 16871 18588 20171 21618 22936
64 4126 6656 8534 10644 13346 14963 16579 18093 19508 20826
65 3791 5866 7447 9214 11454 13050 14566 16018 17402 18720
66 3462 5077 6360 7776 9559 11139 12557 13939 15292 16610
67 3132 4284 5271 6343 7664 9230 10546 11864 13184 14501
68 3046 4149 5091 6081 7401 8865 10133 11502 12769 14072
69 2966 4021 4912 5818 7137 8503 9725 11139 12360 13642
70 2883 3890 4728 5553 6872 8138 9311 10776 11946 13216
71 2803 3755 4548 5287 6607 7776 8900 10415 11536 12789
72 2720 3626 4367 5027 6343 7417 8485 10051 11120 12360
73 2652 3562 4302 4927 6244 7251 8321 9790 10793 11996
74 2588 3493 4236 4828 6149 7084 8159 9526 10465 11626
75 2523 3429 4171 4728 6045 6921 7991 9260 10133 11269
76 2456 3359 4102 4631 5948 6758 7829 8998 9802 10910
77 and over 2392 3294 4038 4530 5849 6591 7664 8737 9476 10546


1. This table is for the determination of payments to dependants of deceased sufferers under regulation 4(2) or (6).

2. The relevant period is the period specified in regulation 3(2) or, in the case of a disabled person to whom regulation 6 applies, the first period specified in regulation 6(1)(b).

3.–(1) Part A of the table prescribes payments to dependants of disabled persons who died as a result of a disease other than diffuse mesothelioma where–

(a) death benefit under section 108 of the Social Security Contributions and Benefits (Northern Ireland) Act 1992 is payable;

(b) disablement benefit under that section or under any corresponding provision of the former Industrial Injuries Acts was payable to the disabled person immediately before he died;

(c) disablement benefit would have been payable to the disabled person immediately before he died but for the occurrence of one of the circumstances listed in regulation 5(1)(a)(iii), or but for his disablement amounting to less than the appropriate percentage.

(2) Part B of the table prescribes payments to dependants of disabled persons who died as a result of diffuse mesothelioma.

Age of disabled person at his last birthday preceding death Percentage assessment for the relevant period
10% or less 11% - 20% 21% - 30% 31% - 49% 50% and over
£ £ £ £ £
37 and under 13018 25379 29000 29992 30815
38 12623 24257 28013 29000 30055
39 12229 23136 27025 28012 29298
40 11828 22015 26035 27025 28540
41 11435 20896 25046 26035 27782
42 11043 19778 24057 25046 27025
43 10329 18325 23168 24156 26300
44 9623 16871 22274 23268 25567
45 8915 15422 21388 22377 24846
46 8205 13970 20422 21485 24122
47 7497 12521 19611 20600 23399
48 6955 12126 18953 19907 22508
49 6408 11731 18290 19214 21618
50 5866 11334 17633 18519 20728
51 5323 10940 16974 17830 19841
52 4778 10546 16315 17138 18953
53 4530 9623 15064 16181 18223
54 4284 8699 13808 15225 17500
55 4038 7776 12557 14271 16774
56 3791 6854 11304 13317 16046
57 3541 5934 10051 12360 15323
58 3312 5271 8620 10680 13317
59 3078 4612 7186 8998 11304
60 2851 3956 5751 7317 9295
61 2622 3294 4319 5636 7284
62 2392 2639 2883 3956 5271
63 2392 2588 2787 3640 4697
64 2392 2537 2684 3328 4126
65 2392 2490 2588 3014 3541
66 2392 2441 2490 2702 2966
67 and over 2392 2392 2392 2392 2392
Age of disabled person at his last birthday Payment
preceding death £
37 and under 30815
38 30055
39 29298
40 28540
41 27782
42 27025
43 26300
44 25567
45 24846
46 24122
47 23399
48 22508
49 21618
50 20728
51 19841
52 18953
53 18223
54 17500
55 16774
56 16046
57 15323
58 13317
59 11304
60 9295
61 7284
62 5271
63 4697
64 4126
65 3541
66 2966
67 and over 2392"


(This note is not part of the Regulations)

Under the Pneumoconiosis, etc., (Workers´ Compensation) (Northern Ireland) Order 1979 ("the Order") lump sum payments may be made to certain persons disabled by a disease to which the Order applies, or to dependants of persons who were so disabled before they died.

The diseases to which the Order applies are pneumoconiosis, byssinosis, diffuse mesothelioma, primary carcinoma of the lung (where accompanied by asbestosis or diffuse pleural thickening) and diffuse pleural thickening.

Regulation 2 of these Regulations amends the Pneumoconiosis, etc., (Workers´ Compensation) (Payment of Claims) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1988 to increase the amounts payable under the Order. The increase in each case is 3.6 per cent. rounded up or down to the nearest £1 as appropriate.

A regulatory impact assessment has not been produced for this rule as it has no impact on the costs of business, charities or voluntary bodies.


S.I. 1979/925 (N.I. 9); Articles 3 and 4 were amended by Article 22(a) and (b) of the Social Security (Northern Ireland) Order 1985 (S.I. 1985/1209 (N.I. 16)) and paragraph 17(2) to (4) of Schedule 3 to the Social Security (Northern Ireland) Order 1986 (S.I. 1986/1888 (N.I. 18)) Back [1]


See Article 4(b) of S.R. 1999 No. 481, the Department for Employment and Learning Act (Northern Ireland) 2001 (N.I. 15) and Article 3 of S.R. 2006 No. 192 Back [2]


S.R. 1988 No. 242; relevant amending Regulations are S.R. 2006 No. 87 Back [3]

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