[1.] Elections of officers of corporations and other public companies now required to be held on a Sunday shall be held on the Saturday preceding or the Monday following. If election does not take place on the Saturday the person holding the office to continue so to do until the Monday.
Every meeting or adjourned meeting of any vestry or corporation, whether ecclesiastical or civil, or of any public company, for the nomination, election, appointment, swearing in, or admission of any officer or officers, or for the transaction of any other secular affair of such vestry, corporation, or company, and every other meeting of a public and secular nature, which, according to any Act of Parliament, or according to any charter, grant, constitution, deed, testament, law, prescription, or usage whatsoever, is or shall be required to be held on any Lord
’s day, or on any day which shall happen to be on a Lord
’s day, shall be held on the Saturday next preceding or on the Monday next ensuing, at the like hour, with like form and effect, as if the same had been held on such Lord
’s day; and every matter transacted at any such meeting or adjourned meeting held upon any Lord
’s day shall be absolutely void and of none effect, to all intents and purposes whatsoever: Provided always, that when no such nomination, election, appointment, swearing in, or admission shall have taken place on such Saturday, every person whose term of office would, according to any such Act, charter, grant, constitution, deed, testament, law, prescription, or usage, have expired on any such Lord
’s day, shall continue in office, and exercise and enjoy all the powers and privileges annexed or relating to such office, until and on such Monday next ensuing, in the same manner as if such Monday had been the customary day of nomination, election, appointment, swearing in, or admission.